Laptop Policy

Implemented: Nov. 27, 2023

Purpose: This policy outlines the process and requirements for obtaining a laptop for university staff and faculty members. The default computing setup for university employees is a desktop computer. However,  there are certain roles and responsibilities that may require increased mobility and flexible working arrangements. As such, this policy allows staff and faculty members to request a laptop for work-related purposes, subject to approval on a case-by-case basis. 

Scope: This policy applies to all university staff and faculty members who require a computing device for work-related responsibilities. 

Policy Statement: The university is committed to providing appropriate computing resources to support the work of its staff and faculty members. Due to budgetary constraints and the increased cost of laptops compared to desktop computers, laptops will only be provided upon request and approval. 


Request and Approval Process 

a. Staff and faculty members who require a laptop should submit a request to their immediate supervisor or department head, detailing the reasons for the request and the nature of the work that requires a laptop. 

b. The supervisor or department head will review the request and assess the need for a laptop, taking into account the amount of mobile work required, the employee's role and responsibilities, and the potential impact on productivity. 

c. If the request is approved, the supervisor or department head will forward the request to the Information Technology department (IT) for further evaluation and processing. 

d. The IT department will review the request, considering factors such as budget availability, current inventory, and compatibility with university systems. 

e. If the IT department approves the request, arrangements for a suitable laptop, training and support will be provided to the staff or faculty member. 


Criteria for Laptop Approval 

Laptop requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as: 

a. The amount of mobile work required (e.g., frequent travel, off-campus work, or work from home). 

b. The need for specialized software or hardware not available on desktop computers.  

c. The employee's role and responsibilities within the University, and the impact of a laptop on productivity and efficiency.  

d. The potential benefits to the University, such as increased collaboration, productivity, or research opportunities. 


Laptop Maintenance and Replacement 

a. Staff and faculty members are responsible for the proper care and upkeep of their assigned laptops including submitting to IT for yearly inspection and reimaging. 

b. The IT department will provide support for any technical issues that arise during the laptop's lifespan.  

c. Laptops will be replaced at the discretion of the IT department, considering factors such as age, performance, and budget availability. 


Department-Funded Laptops 

a. If the IT department determines that a laptop is not necessary to the role of the requesting staff or faculty member, or there is a lack of funds, the requesting department may choose to fund the purchase with a budget transfer. 

b. In cases where the department funds the laptop, the device will still be procured and maintained by the university IT department to ensure compliance with university policies and standards. 


This university laptop policy, including future changes and updates is posted for employees to review on the university website. It is reviewed and updated periodically. All employees with university provided laptops will be notified when significant changes are made to this policy. 


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